From a very early age we are familiar with the concept of "comparison". Someone stood first, we faced comparison, someone got scholarship, we faced comparison, someone looked pretty, we were handed with comparison again. So the idea that someone's success is our failure was engrained from the very beginning. And when social media became more accessible, we started doing this to ourselves too. Every time someone someone posted a photo, we felt bad for us, every time someone bought something we started pitying ourselves for our limited budget. We stared holding ourselves in this pedestal of success and start believing "if they succeed, we must be failure. If they are good, I must be bad"
We started taking this self-pity so seriously that we stopped taking our work seriously.
What nobody told us is we all are different. We live different lives, believe in different things, do different jobs and get things on a different time too. It's okay if you don't have your own camera when other bloggers have their own. It's okay "x" started his business and you are still on the beginning phase. It is okay, just start believing in it.
No one has everything figured out. We all have our demons. The most successful person feels pain the same way, the best looking person feels ugly on his bad days too. This instagram filter and hashtag might confuse you, but deep down we all are afraid. So do yourself a favour and free yourself from this competition. Focus on your work. Compete with yourself. If you worked 1 hours yesterday, aim to work 1 hour 5 minutes today. But if you can't, be happy cause you tried.
I know it's easy to say all these. But every time you will feel the hint of jealousy, remind yourself you are not going down that path anymore. Keep practicing and one day it will come naturally. It's a work. It takes time. But it is the only way. ❤
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