Everything To Know About Inflatable Seal

Inflatable seals are valuable in industrial as well as household applications. They have become quite popular and are high in demand and have replaced the regular seals. One can find the use of the inflated seal in a complex form such as nuclear plants, paper machines, etc. to simplest form such as maintaining tire pressure, etc. It is quite impossible to imagine the usage of various products without the inflatable seals as in absence of these; they will not be able to deliver their service.

Inflatable seals come in various shapes and sizes to fit the requirement of different products where they are needed. Inflatable seals enable a safe and reliable seal that ensures there are no leakages of liquid and gases from the surface. Inflatable seals are known to be competent in extreme scenarios like sealing in the case of pharmaceuticals, aerospace industry, etc. where any leakage can prove to be fatal. No compromise can be made in this regard and thus shows how important a role an inflatable seal proves. Some of the benefits of preferring inflatable seals over regular seals are mentioned as below:

  • The inflatable seal provides a 100 percent leakage-free solution to the users as compared to other sealers. They do not allow even the dust to leakage let alone gases and liquid pass and cause any inconvenience or any major accident. They are the right choice for all types of work even the most complex procedure.

  • Inflatable seals ensure that they provide the best service even when the surface where they are being used is not smooth. The type of surface will have no impact on the functionality of inflated seals as they ensure that all gaps are properly and tightly secured on the rough surface whereas regular seals only work on the smooth surface.

  • A seal should be chosen depending upon its compression set as it indicates the ability to move back to its original size. A compression set is therefore a vital aspect in making one's decision about the type of seal to go for. The deflation and inflation properties of inflatable seal help its user to overcome the issue of compression set and thus are the best choice.

  • Another advantage of inflated seals is that their inflation and deflation function enables them to work as a clamp. This allows moving, transferring objects from one location to another.

  • Inflatable seals are known to last longer and thus have a better operational life. This thus helps the user to save costs as one does not have to replace them. They can work better under high extreme pressure and harsh conditions. They can meet all the requirements of the user and thus provide them a solution.


Hence these are some of the reasons that explain why inflated seals are becoming so popular. They have proven to be better and more operational than the usual seals. If one wants 100 percent leakage-free protection then choose the best inflatable seals manufacturer as they will quality inflated seals at your disposal.

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