I remember what being a kid was like. Getting to play around all day, laughing, imagining, exploring and finding happiness in almost everything, there wasn't a single care in the world and its funny that lots of us had the illusion that growing up would be fun . As we grow older , specifically becoming a teen alot of things change and our physical and physiological characteristics change.
The world begins to weigh you down in one way or another. All kinds of emotions are stirring up and you feel like no-one understands or cares for you, you begin to look at yourself in a different way and most of the time its only the insecurities that you see clearly, you lose that childhood sparkle and you limit yourself according to society.
Society barely understands the struggles that most teens face with matters of self esteem and confidence. Social media has become a main purveyor of what society expects and if you can't deliver you should sit in the sidelines. Many teens ,such as myself are struggling to keep up with what the world expects of us. Its not law that society should control how you live and choose to make decisions, but you always yearn for sense of approval from friends , family and general people around you and that is totally normal, it is indeed human nature.
Society wants you to be a size zero to be beautiful, to have flawless skin and a lavish top notch lifestyle. This has led to depression amongst teenagers all over the world especially during this time of lockdown and without even realising it , hundreds of people have lost that childish spark and barely even notice that they have more to offer than the think . In this time when even the most basic of needs such as love from some one you're attracted to is based off of looks, most people sit in a corner and wither away.
The longest memories are those of our youth and very few people are genuinely going to look back and feel content with how they lived because most have made up lives and others are just afraid to live it. You only get one life and despite everything it's all up to you. Insecurities and low self esteem are hard to shake off but trying is worth it sometimes, life's all about risks
But to every teen reading this , it's okay to feel alone sometimes and its okay to feel insecure especially this time around, but all in all instead of judging yourself based off of looks and money , cultivate what you're good at ,ike I'm trying right now lol. Don't be too hard on yourself, you will never be good enough for people so its important to practice self love , it's hard but possible. Regain that childlike creativity and be the person that 5-10 year old you always wanted to be . The biggest fight is not against the world but within you. Its always important to also find someone to talk to about pressing matters, keeping things in is very dangerous and can lead to depression and anxiety so if you feel overwhelmed take time to do something you love with the people you love.
Thank you.
I really enjoyed reading this article. The fact that it also involves a lot of psychological components is very informative.
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